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新闻资讯 / news information 您的位置:网站首页 > 新闻资讯 > 邀您免费参加2024年PDI注射剂工业大会


点击次数:1289 更新时间:2024-08-28




第十七届注射剂工业大会(PDI'2024)将于 2024 年 9 月 4 日- 6 日于上海中庚聚龙酒店举办。本届大会 以“转型,升级,可持续”为主题,力争成为推动无菌药品和器械行业发展、促进技术进步和实现可持续发展 目标的重要平台,大会将帮助行业内外各方更好地理解和应对当前的挑战,同时把握未来的发展机遇。本届大 会重点涵盖研发、生产、质量和供应链等领域,一如既往关注国内外法规及市场动态、标准及先进技术方向, 努力推动行业高质量发展。 本次大会将围绕业内关注的各个方面,就国内外最新政策法规与技术标准、全球市场动态、产品/技 术/市场/管理/模式/供应链的创新融合以及行业可持续发展路径等进行交流互动;拟辅以专家圆桌讨论、工作 坊、闭门会、供需对接会、产品项目路演发布等活动形式,力争使每位与会嘉宾都能取得收获。 The 17th Parenteral Drug Industry Congress (PDI'2024) will be held from September 4th to 6th, 2024 at the Jeurong Hotel Shanghai . The theme of this congress is "Transformation, Upgrading, and Sustainability", aiming to become an important platform for promoting the development of the sterile drug and device industry, advancing technology, and achieving sustainable development goals. The congress will help all parties inside and outside the industry better understand and respond to current challenges, while seizing future development opportunities. The focus of this congress covers areas such as research and development, production, quality, and supply chain. We will continue to pay attention to domestic and international regulations, market trends, standards, and advanced technology directions, and strive to promote high-quality development of the industry. This congress will focus on various aspects of industry concern, including the latest policies, regulations, and technical standards at home and abroad, global market trends, innovative integration of products /technologies/ markets/ management/ models/ supply chains, and sustainable development paths for the industry; We plan to supplement it with activities such as expert roundtable discussions, workshops, closed door meetings, supply and demand matching meetings, product project roadshows, etc., striving to ensure that every attending guest can gain something.

二、大会时间 DATE

? 2024 年 9 月 4-6 日 

? September 4th-6th, 2024 

三、大会地点 VENUE 

? 上海中庚聚龙酒店(上海闵行区闵虹路 80 号)

? Jeurong Hotel Shanghai (No. 80, Minhong Road, Minhang District, Shanghai, P.R. China 201100)


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